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Mid-Atlantic NA Regional Contest

2024 – 2025 Regional Programming Contest

Date: November 16, 2024

ICPC Mid-Atlantic North America,

welcoming teams from

    • New Jersey
    • Eastern Pennsylvania
    • Delaware
    • Maryland
    • The District of Columbia
    • Virginia
    • West Virginia
    • North Carolina
Regional Contest Director Ian Barland

2024 – 2025 Contest Registration Information

  • More registration details can be found here

Important Dates

  • Contest Date: November 16, 2024
  • Early Payment Deadline: October 16, 2024 18:00
  • Late Payment Deadline: October 24, 2024 (T-shirts not guaranteed, sites may fill)
  • Registration changes by coaches are NOT permitted after late payment deadline.


    • Location:
      • Virginia Tech
      • Wilkes University
      • Christopher Newport University
      • Johns Hopkins
      • Liberty University
      • Penn State Harrisburg
      • North Carolina State University (NCSU)
    • Environment: TBD

    Team Registration

    • Identify the three students who will compete. You may use any selection method you wish; however, team members must meet eligibility requirements.
    • Verify the eligibility of each student. Please refer to the ICPC Team Composition Rules for complete eligibility requirements.
    • Identify a faculty sponsor who will certify the proper composition of the team.
    • Identify a team coach who will accompany the team to the contest site. The coach and faculty sponsor may be the same person.
    • Coaches may make changes to their team reservations through November 8, 2024 18:00.

    Billing and Fees (Later Change)

    • $175 per team; this includes one coach
    • $50 per additional person — co-coaches and guests


    • We are using QuickBooks for invoicing and payment. Payment options include checks (must have a US 9-digit routing number), card and bank transfer.
    • Payment can be made at ICPC Mid-Atlantic Payment Form

    If the coach does not already have an ICPC account, the coach must create here

    The coach must complete the team registration procedure

    If you have any questions about this please email the Contest Director

    Ian Barland

    2023-24 Mid-Atlantic Regional Contest

    Congratulations to all the teams participating on Feb-24!

    Here are the scoreboards: div1, div2
    You can see formerly-live commentary about the Big South conference (midatl+southeast+south regions) from ICPC Live (mirror via codeforces).

    Here are the site-specific pages, with info about parking, check-in location, schedule, etc.:
    Christopher Newport University, James Madison University, Johns Hopkins, UNC Chapel Hill, Virginia Tech, and Wilkes University. Please contact the site-director, for further site-specific information.

    General Information

    This page is meant to answer many general questions related to the contest that are not explained elsewhere.



    The people listed below are responsible for the planning and conduct of the Mid-Atlantic Regional contest. If you have any questions please contact the appropriate person.
    Regional Contest co-Directors: Drs Ian Barland and Maung Htay
    Regional Systems Team Leader: Dr. Andrew Ray



    Registration involves creating teams, paying the registration fee, and assigning students to teams (possibly in that order). See instructions.



    The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a global foundation that provides college students with an opportunity to demonstrate and sharpen their problem-solving and computing skills.


    Previous Problem Sets

    Info on previous Mid-Atlantic problem sets is available, as well as a collection of regional- and world-contest problem sets here.

    About the Contest

    Make sure to check the rules for the complete, official description of the contest requirements. The contest is a multi-tiered competition among teams of students representing institutions of higher education. Teams first compete in the Regional Contests; from there, the top-placing teams from each school advance to the North American Championship, and then to World Finals.

    The Mid-Atlantic Regional Contest lasts for five hours. Each team of three students tries to solve as many problems as possible, programming the solutions in C++, Java, Python 3, or Kotlin. The team that solves the most problems correctly wins, with ties broken by the least total time (the sum of the times consumed for each problem solved, from the beginning of the contest to the time the correct solution is submitted). A penalty of 20 minutes for each incorrect submission is added to the total time. The penalty only applies if the problem was eventually solved correctly.

    Regional contests mirror the atmosphere of the international contest. There is a balloon color for each problem, and a T-shirt color for each group of people (contestant, staff, coach). Only contestants and staff are allowed in the contest area.


    Contest Environment

    Languages — C, C++, Java 11, Python 3 (w/ standard library), Kotlin

    IDE — Eclipse, VSCode

    Editors — VIM, EMACS

    OS — UNIX/LINUX. Printing will be via command-line, so know ls, cd (and maybe how TAB auto-completes and up-arrow repeats commands), and where your IDE puts your file!



    Teams may be composed of students enrolled at least half-time in a degree program at their school, including co-op students in good academic standing. See the official rules for exact team composition and eligibility.


    Reference Materials

    Teams may bring any non-machine-readable references that they wish. This includes books, printed notes, and written handwritten notes. Electronics and removable media are prohibited. Language APIs will also be available during the practice sessions and contest.


    Mid-Atlantic Region

    If your school falls within another region but you wish to participate in this one, you must contact the Director of Regional Contests to receive permission. Please check the rules at the International Contest site for more details (under “Where to Compete”). The Mid-Atlantic Contest will be conducted over a network comprising several geographically distributed sites throughout the region. Teams can participate from the site of their choice, subject to available space (see the registration section for more information on how teams are assigned to sites).


    Example Schedule

    The schedule at each site may vary slightly, with the exception of the time of the actual competition, which will take place from 14:00 to 19:00 ET.

    Here are the site-specific pages (including schedule) for Christopher Newport University, James Madison University, Johns Hopkins, UNC Chapel Hill, Virginia Tech, and Wilkes University.
    These specific schedules may differ from the following sample (except for the 14:00-19:00 contest, which is fixed).

    09:00–09:45 volunteers begin final setup
    09:45–10:30 registration and light breakfast; distribute t-shirts etc.
    10:30–11:30 welcome, introduction, rules, orientation
    11:30–12:30 practice problem
    12:30–13:40 lunch
    14:00–19:00 competition 1hr later than last year!
    19:00–20:00 dinner
    19:30–20:15 results, and awards presentation

    See the sidebar-links above, for site-specific information.



    During the contest the scoreboard page will have real-time standings, except during the last hour when the scoreboard may be frozen.